Tuesday, May 27, 2014

First Day: Orientation (Summer 2014)

So the games have begun!!

Let me tell you something first though. The night before orientation, I was freaking out!!! Not because I was nervous about classes, but because I had no clue what to bring for the first day of "class." I was confused because the orientation website said that orientation would start at 8:30am, but we also got a memo from our anatomy professor that we needed to bring our lab coat, dissection kit, and gloves. So in my head I'm thinking..."are we going to have orientation and then classes or what is going on?" I was at a total loss so I packed EVERYTHING!! lol Come to find out all I needed to bring was a pen. *side eye* I really wish they would have made that clear on the orientation website. There were absolutely no classes and all those "supplies" we needed??... SIKE!

Anyways, since orientation was at 8:30am I decided to leave my apartment at 8:00am. I live about 10 mins away from campus. I wore business casual (purple blouse, kaki pants, and matching flats) since I knew we would be taking pictures. Most students at orientation were dressed in a similar fashion.

Orientation was very informative, but if I can be honest, BORRINNGG! It was basically a series of back-to-back speakers talking about the different services Program Z offers to it's students. We were also given a folder with tons of brochures, papers, and forms needing to be signed. Like I said, great information, buttttt lol

For breakfast, small snacks like nutrigrain bars and bottled water were provided. For lunch, they served the traditional boxed lunch (sandwich, chips, and a cookie). I chose "ham on white."

Around 1 o' clock I started getting a HORRIBLE headache. I mean my head was killing me and we were no where near finished! At 2pm, we broke up a bit. In the beginning, all students within Program Z, including OT, PT, Athletic Training, Molecular Pathology, and a couple others were together in a small auditorium style classroom. When we broke up, the OT, PT, and AT stayed in the room. Our speaker was the gross anatomy professor who wanted to talk to us about accessing our lecture and lab notes and what we needed to do tonight before class tomorrow (view dissection tutorials). He also recommended that we start on the intro chapter of the book. After he was done speaking, another professor spoke to us about study tips, mentioning that the most important thing will be balance and not taking short cuts.

From there, we broke into our individual programs -- mine being OT. It was nice to have a change in pace, that's for sure! All the professors introduced themselves with their own individual ppt presentation. It was really nice and gave a couple of laughs. They all seem like very down-to-earth people. We then had to go around and introduce ourselves (the students). After the introductions, we got to meet with our faculty advisor. The advisor I was assigned to is very bubbly and sweet. You could tell she was super excited! We were also given a clipboard with some information printed on it and a pediatric outcomes chart (there was more information on the back as well). In my opinion, these were the most awesome things we received all day! Also, at our desk was another folder with a bunch of papers. One of the papers inside of the folder that caught my attention was a "Tips for Surviving Anatomy" sheet. I thought they were pretty helpful tips so check them out for yourself! :)


Orientation was finally over at 4pm. We had the opportunity to take a tour or meet with the IT people for laptop assistance. I went to the IT room, but left shortly because I was not sure if I actually needed assistance or if was just going because everyone else was going. I asked some of my classmates what they needed help with and they did not seem all too sure either. I checked to make sure my lockdown browser that we were required to download was working. It was, so I bounced.

After orientation, I went to Target to pick up a new planner and a "weekly combo dry erase board." I'm not exactly sure what my plans are for the board lol, but I got it! After I finished up at Target, I drove home to change and then went to the BBQ hosted by Program Z. The BBQ started at 5pm, but I did not get there until around 5:45pm. There, I met my "Big." (About a week or so ago I signed up for the "Big/Little" program where we are matched with a second year OT student) She bought me a gift. Very sweet of her. It included a dry erase board (which I plan to use as a lap board for drawing and labeling different diagrams), dry erase markers, starbursts, skittles, sour patches, pens, pencils, gatorade, mini water, flash cards, flags, white out, sheet protectors, hand sanitizer, tissue, and, highlighters. I left the BBQ at 6:30pm sharp. It was nice for the most part, but I needed to get going.

After the BBQ, I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some school supplies, scrub bottoms, and a pack of men's t-shirts. After speaking with my "Big," a couple of other second year students, and some faculty members, I was informed that it would be in my best interest to wear clothes that I did not care too much about. I was told that most students where scrubs every day for the summer and old tennis shoes. Apparently, the smell of the cadaver lab lingers really badly on your clothes and you'll want to burn them by the time everything is all said and done.

That pretty much wraps up my day. I am home now and about to get started on these dissection lab videos. I wanted to start reading tonight, but it's already 10pm and I'm trying to be in bed by at least 11:30pm. I already printed my lecture notes though, so that's a plus!

PS: Did I mention I got a warning ticket for parking in the faculty parking lot? lol Well, I did! I didn't know that the parking lot was split half student, half faculty. I wrongly assumed that the entire parking lot was student parking. Oops! Glad it was just a warning! :) 

PS2: There were also door prizes throughout all of orientation. I didn't win! Hence why I may have forgot to mention the door prizes! :P

PS3: If there are typos, I apologize, but I am tired and needed to get this up QUICK! Overall, orientation was successful, just boring. I am excited to officially hit the ground running tomorrow! Wish me luck! <3

Tip of the Blog: Arrive to orientation early. It will help you avoid some of the long lines that may develop. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tuition? What Tuition!?

So it's Friday morning (May 23rd), say 3am'ish and I'm thinking "OMG...did we pay all of tuition?! (Not sure why this thought just dawned on me, but it did) I freak out and start googling when tuition was due -- May 16th. I'm thinking "Oh crap!" I quickly try to log into my account to view my tuition bill...of course they are doing maintenance. *side eye* 

Usually, I always get an email notifying me that my bill has been posted to my account, but this time I did not for whatever reason. Since I filled out my Hazelwood for the summer, most of my fees were paid. However, the extra fees universities like to add are not covered (i.e., medical fee, recreational fee, etc.). Anyways, since I couldn't access my account I kept telling myself, "Rest now, worry later!" When I woke up it was between 8 and 9am, so I decided to check my tuition bill again. It said that I still owed $132 *whew*... not too bad!

I called Student Business Services (SBS) and asked them about the late fee I would need to pay. The woman who answered the phone said that our accounts have yet to be audited and that I should be fine as long as I paid the rest of my balance that day! What a relief!!!! I will be checking my account again this week to make sure no late fee charges pop up and if any do that I take care of them immediately.

Definitely not a mistake I want to make again!!

Note to self: Don't rely on SBS to send you an email notifying you of your bills. It is your own responsibility. (Duh Bemo, what were you thinking!??)