Wednesday, August 20, 2014

First Day of Fall 2014

After the summer session we were given about a week off to relax and recoop. I decided to go back home for the break and spend time with my family. My break was consumed with watching butt tons of movies and sleeping. My grandpa was in the hospital for most of my stay so I went to the hospital to visit him as often as I could. Other than that, mom and I would make trips to places like SAMs and Costco to pick up a few items for the house and my apartment. I didn't do anything too exciting, my main goal was to just relax, which in a round about way is exactly what happened.

Now that my short, but much needed break is over it is time to get back to work! Today was our first day of class (Aug. 20th). Before we left for the break one of our professors emailed us and said that our 9 o' clock class would be cancelled for the first day. This meant that I didn't have to be at school until 10:30am. Awesome, right!!? Yes and no. It was great because I got to sleep in. I had big plans of eating breakfast and doing this and doing that, but pssht none of that happened. I lolligagged around ALL morning lol. The bad side of a 10:30am class was that parking was horrible. Student parking was completely filled so I had to park in an outside extra parking lot that is farther away from the academic building. It wasn't a terrible walk, but definitely a long one. I think the summer session spoiled me when it came to parking because there was always tons of free parking spaces.

Today I had "Theories and Foundations in OT" and "Occupational Performance Throughout the Lifespan." Before today I had my reserves about my theory class. Like I told mom, theory classes usually go one of two ways really good because the teacher loves the subject they are teaching or really bad because the teacher has absolutely no enthusiasm about the subject and class is a drag. Fortunately, it looks like this is going to be a good class. I think I am really going to enjoy it! Both of the professors have great personalities and are really nice, I have high hopes for these classes.

Other than that, not much happened pretty smooth typical first day! Ain't nothing wrong with that :)

All I'm working on today is putting all my dates that I have so far for tests, quizzes, and projects due in my planner and get my apartment organized. 

Fall 2014 Semester Classes & Books

Hey guys, it's that time again! New semester, new classes, new books!

I waited to the very last minute to register. The director emphasized that she wanted us to make sure that we were going to pass anatomy before registering. I knew I would pass, but for some reason I just kept pushing it off and pushing it off. Classes start on August 20th and my last final is December 10th! I have to take Theory and Foundations of OT, Introduction to Evaluation and Intervention in OT (which has a lab), Research Process in Occupational Therapy, Occupational Performance Throughout the Lifespan, and Conditions in OT. These all total 15 hours. I'm looking forward to all my classes minus Research Process in OT. It just doesn't sound fun. lol

This is what my schedule is looking like this semester. Classes 3 times a week!
(Unless I have an exam in "Conditions in OT")
Since I only have classes roughly three times a week I plan to take out more time for myself to do the things that I want to do and focus on. Like I told one of my friends, I have spent the last 3 years of my life focusing on school, school, school and not really my happiness. I want to do yoga at least once a week and I want to start reading for leisure again as well as actually start reading my Bible again. Just the small things you know, the ones that I always push to the side because "I don't have time" "I have to study" "I'm too tired"....whatever the reason may be. I also plan to eat healthier because my diet is pitiful and that's probably why I never have the energy I need. Since I have a sensitivity to caffeine once my energy is gone it is a WRAP!

On to the books...

Here are a list of the book titles and authors (left to right; top to bottom):
  • Occupational Therapy in Mental Health: A Vision for Participation (Brown & Stoffel - 1st Ed.) 
  • Screening Adult Neurologic Populations (Gutman & Schonfeld - 2nd Ed.)
  • Research in Occupational Therapy: Methods of Inquiry for Enhancing Practice (Kielhofner - 1st Ed.)
  • Occupational Therapy for Children (Case-Smith & O'Brien - 6th Ed.) 
  • Human Development and Performance Throughout the Lifespan (Cronin & Mandich - 1st Ed.)

Not pictured: (bought in summer session 2014)
  • Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction (Radomski & Trombly - 7th Ed.) 

Books this time around cost me $438! I purchased them all from Amazon this time around.

Woah, We Have Some MAJOR Catching Up!

Long time no read, huh? I know, I know. This summer was INTENSE. It was stressful and time-consuming, but definitely do-able. Since I have quite a few blogs to write in an attempt to catch you up I decided to create this main blog post that will link you to all the blogs I write as a part of this whole catching up thing. I would love to post these in order of when they will be posted, but that's not going to happen so bare with me. I'm not sure how many blogs I will end up writing, but they will all be linked down below as they are written! :) (You may see the title, but it is not clickable. That means that I am working on the blog. It just has not become live yet because it's not finished.)

Cadaver Lab Experience & Tips

Summer Session Finals & Grades

My Anatomy "Book of Knowledge"

Netter vs. Gilroy Anatomy Atlas

Fall 2014 Semester Classes & Books

First Day of Fall 2014