Alright so I'm already off to bad start with meeting my goal of posting a daily update, but so far I'm still within the weekly goal.
There really wasn't much to say about yesterday, so I didn't feel compelled to write anything. I will have to be mindful of what I say in this post because I'm not sure who all will read it. So, this week is primarily focused on "training," planning, and set up. As mentioned in a previous blog post, I am currently in a pediatrics and mental health fieldwork.
If I can be completely honest my experience with the pediatric fieldwork has not been that enjoyable. So far it seems unorganized and incomplete meaning that essential details seem to be missing. I have been confused since day 1 and that confusion has not subsided much since then either. We are told what we are supposed to do, but not exactly how we are supposed to do it and sometimes not even when. On the first day, it was emphasized what things could cause you to fail fieldwork. There were many things mentioned and much of them were mistakes that could easily be made. Therefore, when things are unclear I find that I get really frustrated in fear that I will miss something and fail fieldwork. In my younger days, I was more of a "go with the flow" person, but since I have gotten older...not so much. I'm trying to work on it, but so far, no good.
Continuing on with pediatrics, when I heard "training" I thought we were actually going to be trained on the skills necessary to successfully plan and implement activities/interventions for these summer programs. However, so far, that has not been the case and today was really our last day of training. We went over the syllabus, our general role in the summer program, and discussed TEAMSTEPPS which is an evidenced-based model designed to optimize team performance.
Today was little bit more exciting, we did much more activities and such. Since we are working interprofessionally with speech language pathology (SLP) students we did an activity where we had 5 minutes to write on a large piece of poster paper what we thought the other profession did (e.g., SLP wrote what they thought OT did, and OT wrote what they thought SLP did). Then we did a campfire activity where one student acted as the "client" and sat on a wiggle seat cushion or an exercise ball and had to follow the woman in the front's directions using pretzels, hot tamales, and marshmallows. After the activity, we had to label the SLP components (e.g., receptive language, articulation, sensory components, protesting) and OT components (e,g., balance, posture, stability, attention, problem solving, fine motor skills) of the activity. Then a lady came and talked to us about behavior regulation and some of the activities we will be doing with the students. After that, we were broken into our programs where we discussed a bit more about the specifics and then had to plan all 8 days of the program. We were split into about 4 people per day and were responsible for planning the activities and snacks for that day. The planning was a little rocky, but it went smoother than I anticipated so that was good.
Overall, today was a good day. The issues didn't come about until it was time to wrap up and it was announced that X, Y, Z was due and that shopping was going to be done Friday. However, outside of shopping, it was not clear (and it still not clear) how Friday is going to go with setting up and everything. Right now i'm just playing the waiting game and seeing if there will be a clarification email of some sort sent out. If not, I'll have to ask my classmates and see how they interpreted everything. I'm hoping that once the planning phase is over and we actually start the program everything will fall into place. **fingerscrossed**
In regards to the mental health fieldwork, it is much more organized and clear. I'm looking forward to my mental health fieldwork much more! We toured the inpatient psychiatric unit today. It's a small facility, but I look forward to sitting in on one of the group's next week!
I could say more, but I'll end this post here.
<3 Bemo
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